"Melone & Melone, Asesores Patrimoniales", is an entity focused and operated towards management, to give specialized fulfillment to continuous requirements of the clients of its parent company "Melone & Melone, Lawyers", who should be served more by a multidisciplinary firm than by a law office.
At reason for the above, after the inclusion of high profile professionals in the areas of administration and finance, the partners of "Melone & Melone, Abogados" constituted "Melone & Melone, Asesores Patrimoniales", which acts as an independent management entity for asset management and wealth consulting, which allows you to go far beyond the administration and management of the affairs of a family or corporation; since, our services, among others, extend to the field of taxation, trusts, document management, record keeping, administration of expenses, accounting, financial education for family members or corporation, family government support.